The trees say to themselves ‘you can’t stand alone’! The mountains to themselves ‘I will grow taller than you’

The sands say to themselves ‘you can’t be an Island’

Fire says ‘we are legion. When we stand together, we do great things’
Individualism says ‘I don’t want a partner’.
Democracy says ‘there’s freedom. Get richer than them!’
Religion is standing on the fence, except ‘love one another’

Society says ‘well… we have something. We will upgrade’
The man says ‘this noise is too loud’. Woman says ‘follow your heart, it will lead you there’

Octogenarians hardly tell their stories,
They say ‘experience is the best teacher’
Life will teach one thing but bends towards another

Confusion is such a normal mental process
One thing is good now and bad later

Good decisions become thorn when roses see them
You travel this road and you get lost.
You use another road you still become lost
Deep pockets should buy happiness.
But happiness they say is priceless
You travel with a partner, loving and caring
It ends with betrayal. You insist the partner is good. Then you explode in the bomb

Again, octogenarians come with their so-called wisdom. But you insist on using another method
Life has shown you something. No one else is listening or seeing
You gather all your mental strength to walk this path. Another easier path is shown. You walk that path alone, later decide to take someone along

Whichever way, you are lost.
Wake up!

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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