Politics will always produce tricksters
Racism will never end
Slavery will remain a constant

There will always be ‘Third World Countries’

Technology will keep breaking bounds
Scientific discoveries have become a joke

Suicides have become a culture

The fashion world will keep wowing you
Christians and Muslims will never compromise

The Sun will keep rising from the East

LGBT people are beyond proud

Straight people might never understand supposedly ‘un’straight people

Films will keep abridging history

Men will never understand women

Younger people will keep die every day

Killer sects will keep rising
We will never fully understand Supreme Beings and gods
Black is good with clothes and gadgets but bad on human skins

Impatience is a global phenomenon

Poverty will never end
Societies can never be classless

Colonisation only stopped theoretically
Women will never understand men

Generation Z are mentally lazy

Dogs have become family
Globalisation is mere deceit
Hard copies are still better
Life is not a bed of roses

Global warming is real

Bloodsucking insects will never go into extinction
And I will always be me!

4 responses to “Something I noticed…”

  1. Bad boy anonymous avatar

    Wheew… Climax anti-climax… These have been existing since time immemorial. Nothing's really changed about humanity!


  2. Omoleye Omoruyi avatar

    And nothing might never change. You are sad about these things and sometimes feel you might run mad if you think too much about them


  3. AYJ avatar

    Wow. Strong one \” i will always be me\” Being oneself amidst all this is actually tasking. What exactly is oneself? Isn't it based on the foundations built by culture, tradition and religion? We claim we're unlearning what we've learned but in the real sense we're just trying to do the opposite. This is nicee


  4. Omoleye Omoruyi avatar

    Thanks AY. It is actually quite tasking keeping your ears away from all the noise. However, wouldn't we run mad if we keep listening to the noise? Even though we are mostly mad.


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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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