“I am not yet 18,” he said, frowning at his lecturer. He was tired of saying the same thing over and over.

“Oh my! I’ll wait, but you’re so irresistible.”

“Let’s just stick to non-penetrative sex.”

‘Fair fine guy’ was what coursemates now called him. Because Yemi had become so popular among the lecturers, and he was a regular visitor at Dr. Aderemi’s office. No one could be too sure what he went there to do, but he came out laughing on some occasions, and frowning on some other days.

“Yemi, you have still not said how you are not the class rep, yet go to Aderemi’s office every other day. Is she a family friend?” Hassan asked at the hostel, after one of Yemi’s daily visits.

“Yes.” Yemi replied. He didn’t want to start explaining how Dr. Aderemi had become obsessed with him, and what he was gaining from the union.

“But, you never mentioned this. You just allow the whole class assume things.”
Yemi left his spoon hanging in front of his mouth and dropped it.

“You seem to forget that I don’t care.”

“Na wa o. Anyway, don’t finish the food oo,” Hassan said.

Yemi looked up again, surprised at his friend.

“Are you joking right now? We entered Lick Fingers together and you said you were going to cook.”

Hassan shrugged his shoulders.

“No way. You need to stop this thing. Not today sir.”

Hassan just smiled and left the room.

Outside the room, other classmates saw Hassan and asked if ‘fair fine guy’ was in.
“He is.”

Yemi dropped his face in his palms, disappointed that he even called Hassan his friend.

“I know you expected him to tell us you are not in. Well, we are here now. Come and help us with that assignment your sugar mummy gave us biko,” Amaka said as she entered the room with two other girls.

“If you are going to call Aderemi my sugar mummy, please find your way out. “

“Sorry na. You want to start doing shakara now?” Amaka said, gesturing to the others to say something.

Hassan had entered the room. “Please, please. Come back later. We just got back from class na. You people sef.”

“But he is not complaining.” Amaka quickly said.

“Let us just do this,” Yemi said, winking at Hassan to let them be.

Yemi stood in high esteem among his mates. Not just because he was irresistibly handsome. He was also brainy. His mates had watched him from afar all through the first year, admiring his beauty, until they saw his results. He floored all the courses. That is how he caught Dr. Aderemi’s attention who was the Head of Department then, but was spending the final year in the tenure.

“Go find Olayemi Adeeko. I need to know who that is,” Dr. Aderemi told the departmental secretary.

Yemi entered her office the following day and she did not know when she said, “wow!”

“I am just surprised at your A’s. We have hardly had an A student in the past decade,” she replied Yemi, in one of their kissing encounters, when he asked.

“But, I was also double surprised that it was a beautiful boy like you making all of us at the department smile,” Dr. Aderemi added.

Yemi was sixteen at the first encounter, and told Dr. that was his first sexual experience. He was first surprised at a sexual advance from a lecturer but thought about what he will learn from someone who was experienced. Besides, he had stated that he will only have penetrative sex when he 18 and his wish was respected. Some other girl may call him gay if he asked her to wait.

“I will wait.” Dr. Aderemi told Yemi, and continued saying it anytime it had to be said.

“I can’t wait but I have to. Penetrative sex at 18 is like a term to me and is on my checklist and it will annoy me if I did not tick that box.”

“I will wait.” Dr. Aderemi echoed.

It was now less than a month to his 18th birthday, and even Hassan was excited. He wanted his friend to get laid. He only assumed Dr. Aderemi and Yemi were a family thing.

“Sex buddies? Unbelievable!” Hassan told a mutual friend, who only wanted to believe the two of them were having sex.

Amaka and her friends had left after completing the assignment and flirting with Yemi. Hassan sat in the corner frowning at their seductive laughs and gestures. He was also handsome and had shiny dark skin, but people usually preferred the fair-skinned Yemi.

“So Yemi, we are not done planning your 18th birthday. We chose a venue yeah, but what are the activities lined up for that day,” Hassan asked, pacing the room. He also planned other surprise packages with the mutual friends.

“Mostly games na. What else? Were you thinking of an orgy? Let us just get someone who knows those party games, especially board games, so it doesn’t end up boring. I will even love less dancing.”

Hassan, lost in thought, heard only the last thing Yemi said. “I think I know someone.”

On the D-day at 1am, Yemi had received more birthday and congratulatory messages than Governor Dapo Abiodun. He too was surprised he was receiving congratulatory messages. He never knew Hassan had told the whole school to congratulate Yemi.

“Just congratulate him.” He told everyone. He’s finally getting laid, he usually said to himself.

The party finally happened. And it was a party of the rich kids.

“Wow!” Yemi whispered to Hassan. “I don’t remember having this many friends. You invited all the kids of your fathers friends?”

Hassan laughed loud. “You have no idea.” He was referring to the two girls who were coming to give Yemi the best night of his adult life.

The congratulatory messages continued physically and Yemi was exhausted from having to respond to what he had no idea about.

“You have any idea why more people are telling me ‘congrats’ and not wishing me a happy birthday?” he asked Hassan.

“You have no idea.”

“But, that is why I am asking you. What is this crap you have been saying since? Have you set me up?”

“You have no idea,” Hassan repeated.

Yemi sighed and stood up from the table. The room had become too hot for him.
Outside seemed like inside. Boys were loud and kept screaming ‘fair fine boy’ standing on cars. The whole place was crowded. He moved away from the crowd and used the opportunity to call Dr. Aderemi.

“Okay, meet me at my place. My driver has gone home.” Dr. Aderemi said excitingly.

Yemi did not waste time getting there.

Back at the party, Yemi’s human gifts had arrived and Hassan and some other people could not find Yemi.

“Where would he have gone now?” Hassan muttered to himself. “So he had other plans and did not inform me?”

Yemi simply wanted to leave the heat of the party and found a getaway in Dr. Aderemi.

“So, what can I offer you Yemi?”

“Your body. I did not think of this happening tonight but I have always told you when I am 18. And, I am 18 now.”

“Oh! How I have waited for this moment.”

Before any of them could say any other thing. Yemi was completely naked. His penis was pointed at Dr. Aderemi’s direction breathing heavily.

Dr. Aderemi quickly also went naked. And two of them stood like they were savouring the beauty of naked bodies.

Yemi moved closer and planted kisses everywhere. None of them had seen their full naked bodies and Yemi loved what he saw. He was surprised at the Dr’s shaved private area.

He began sucking Dr. Aderemi’s nipples and that was the beginning of the climax.

Yemi lifted Dr. Aderemi from the floor to the room. He lost his way at some point and entered the store, but quickly retraced his steps.

“Yemi is different tonight and so sexy,” his lecturer thought.

Yemi was on his lecturers body and was not ready for small talk. He put his hands on the lecturers mouth when there was an attempt to say something.

Yemi kissed literally everywhere, and made sounds that made his lecturer even more horny. After kissing for what seemed like forever, Yemi went back to the sitting room to get condom.

“The boy is about to become a man,” Dr. Aderemi muttered as Yemi left the room.

He came back and his dangling penis was even bigger and longer than before. Yemi knew this and smiled.

He planted some more kisses and spread Dr. Aderemi’s legs.

Going in looked too easy for him. He was confident of himself and his 12inch penis.

He started thrusting slowly and Dr. Aderemi had tears in her eyes. She had not felt such pleasure in decades. “Yemi is a masterpiece, who knows how to give masterpiece pleasure. You have to like him.” She told her friend months later.

Yemi slowed down a bit and asked if she was enjoying it.

“Please don’t stop,” she said quickly. Sex is sweet but Dr. Aderemi was getting an extraordinaire kind of pleasure.

They started with the missionary style, and then doggy. He took to her to the wall, and to the floor and back to the bed. Yemi only followed her commands. And, he dictated the pace of the thrusting.
Both of them made sounds that brought more heat. Yemi had the ‘oh my god’ face all through.

About forty one minutes into it, she reached orgasm and wanted to keep enjoying it until Yemi screamed and came too.

He fell on the bed and sighed heavily.

“I have never felt this way all my life. Did not know this is how sweet it is. Thank you ma. That was really good.”

“Common! You are now a man. Call me Folashade.”

“I have to go now.”
Dr. Aderemi looked at her phone. “It’s 11pm. Are you sure?”

“Yes I am.”

She took him to the gate of his hostel and thanked him for the experience.
“See you in class Yemi.”

Yemi only smiled. That was sex! He thought. Even Angle Gabriel can’t experience that.

“Where have you been?” Hassan asked. The party had ended.

“You have no idea.” Yemi responded.

“Ermm, I knew it! Hope you are not going to her pregnant,” the 19-year-old sex experienced Hassan asked Yemi.

“You have no idea,” Yemi said again.

2 responses to “You’re going to get me pregnant, the teenager told his lecturer”

  1. Kola Muhammed avatar

    Interesting! This narrative is rarely explored. It’s often the male lecturers versus the female students. Kudos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omoleye Omoruyi avatar

      Thanks Kola!


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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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