2022 is a year of recovery and stability. It should have been 2021, but the pandemic extended its wings. We hope the new variant(s) does not make it any harder. So, while we’re recovering, remember to drop these in 2021:

1. In addy: whatever this means needs to stop. “Addy” itself is a short form of address. So, ‘in addy’ can never mean whatever people use it for.

2. Happy womb day: ah! This one. Whoever started this and spread it needs to be locked up at ‘Yaba left’ for a couple of days. Mental evaluation can take place during that time. The words spread on a mat and placed together for the benefit of the doubt can never mean “happy birthday”.

3. Social media lies: this one will take a while, but we need to start the end of it now. People log in, drop a bucket load of lies and move on like normal behaviour. A user could say: I read the seven books of Moses, and I know that spirits exist. Huh?! Or…:I drove my S class to the mall, and this girl thinks I’m the one she has been looking for. Meanwhile, he only has damaged tires in the compound used for the power generator.

4. The OS discrimination: this one should have stopped ten years ago, but we allowed it to continue. It comes in different forms, including blind comparison, foolish assumptions that those using the Android OS are poorer than those using the iOS. Common!

5. The social media discrimination: “I don’t use Facebook” is how it begins. Then, it continues with “Facebook is boring and it’s old school”. You gathered boring users and added them to your friends’ list and want to magically see exciting stuff? Abegi! Go and sleep. Your timeline is what you make of it. Follow churches and religious people only, and you know what comes of it.

6. Joking with serious stuff: a newspaper announces the death of 100 people in North-East Nigeria, and you think it’s funny because you want secession. Guess what? That behaviour only shows you’ll keep laughing even when it’s close, as long as it’s not you. In order words, you’ve lost the little humanity left in you. Or, joking about issues like rape, child abuse, domestic violence, and so on.

7. ‘Stanning’ crazy bevaviour: this one is a general problem. To validate our bias, we look out for those with the same crazy characters and ‘stan’ them. We don’t care to realise that it’s outright bad behaviour. That’s how fan following became cult following. This is profoundly personal and needs inner evaluation to be stopped.

8. Disrespecting elders, calling it woke: I agree many articles in our culture need to be abolished. But, respecting elders needs to stay. You can’t be trying to be woke and tell off someone older unprovoked. And, even when the older person provokes you, there’s something called “walk away”, or “civilised response to adversity”. Going all out is never the way. You can’t take it, don’t dish it out.

To be continued….

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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